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September 2022

The Port of Barcelona has outlined an innovation programme, following on from its €110m ($117.8m) Nexigen project, to decarbonise port activity and improve air quality in the local area.

A total of €90m ($100m) of the funds will go towards onshore power supply systems, reducing the emissions of vessels docked at the port.

We profile the project in our next issue, looking at the solutions the port has chosen, as well as how it will reduce the port's environmental impact on the local area.

In the meantime, you can stay up to date with everything at @ShipTechMag.


Editor | Peter Nilson
Writers | Marina Leiva, Jasleen Mann, Frances Marcellin, Frankie Youd

Magazine Designer | William Ingham
Graphic Designers | Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Anett Arc, Noemi Balint, Martina Labaiova
Lead Designer | John Hammond

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager |Tom McCormick
+44 (0) 207 866 9440

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