Lightweight Solutions for engineering and weight management
> Software Development
TGM developed specialized software systems for weight reduction and weight management using specific methods.
> Weight Management Consulting
The methodical consulting of TGM allows to make decisions in a timely manner, to enable the achievement of weight and cost targets.
> Lightweight Design Optimization
Structural and systemic weight optimization using specially developed methods of TGM.
TGM develops specialized weight management and analysis methods plus highly effective mass-properties software.
Knowledge base of weight saving potentials Structures, Systems, Materials with > 5000 entries
TGM Lightweight Solutions GmbH
Head office/Postal Address Knappenpfad 8 - D-13465 Berlin - Germany
Consulting office Berliner Straße 2 - D-13507 Berlin - Germany
Tel: +49 30 6108223-19 - E-Mail: contact@t-g-m.com - www.tgm.solutions