A port for the melting Arctic
Bremenports has announced that is building a new deep-water port in the north-east of Iceland. Will there be enough demand for the port’s services?
The impact of containers lost at sea
Hundreds of shipping containers are lost at sea every year due to worsening weather conditions and poor maintenance.
Human rights at sea: bringing shipping up to speed
The first Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea has been published. What will this mean for maritime workers?
Drone Ships: Autonomous Navigation
Lloyd’s Register aims to develop the world’s first ocean-going autonomous navigation system for commercial operations.
Measuring noise pollution from ships
Eleven ports across the world have conducted research into how to mitigate noise pollution from shipping.
A new Approach to Cyber Security
Japanese ship classification society ClassNK has set out a layered strategy for securing commercial vessels from cyber attacks.
supply chain: keeping up in the e-commerce era
How will the maritime industry keep up with changes to the supply chain during the e-commerce revolution?
The Port of London: a century of change
We trace the timeline of one of Europe’s oldest and most famous ports, from humble beginnings to bustling enterprise.