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July 2021

Global media coverage surrounding the Ever Given container vessel becoming stuck in the Suez Canal – resulting in an estimated hold-up cost $400m per hour in global trade - has highlighted the importance of maritime navigation software. We explore how innovations in navigation technology will hopefully prevent such events from happening again.

We profile new voyage planning software, which aims to not just make deliveries arrive on time, but reduce the environmental impact of shipping through route changes brought about through state-of-the-art GPS technology.

We also find out how non-profit organisation Eyesea aims to fight pollution and maritime hazards by creating a unique global pollution map with help from those in the industry.


Editor | Ben Cusack
Writers | Ilaria Grasso Macola, Frankie Youd, Julian Turner, Heidi Vella

Magazine Designer | Anett Arc
Graphic Designers | Marzia Del Gaone, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Maria Gimenez, Martina Labaiova, Filipe Costa
Lead Designer | John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Head of Account Management |Antonio Andonov
+44 (0) 207 936 6943

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