In this issue

issue 59   |   October 2018

In the aftermath

of the tragic Maersk Honam fire, where five crew members lost their lives, the industry had to grapple with the realisation that precautions traditionally taken to avoid container ship fires are failing to adequately mitigate the risk to crews and cargoes. In this issue, we look into what’s causing fires on-board vessels and what can be done to prevent them.

China’s decision to ban the import of end-of-life ships means that European recycling facilities might struggle with lack of capacity to accommodate the new influx of vessels meant for scrapping. We look at both sides of the argument to see whether this is a good move for the industry.

Next, we follow the trail of clues and try to disentangle the complex story behind the failing Hambantota Port, peppered with accusations of political corruption and backdoor lending.

Finally, we talk to cybersecurity experts at Synopsys about the industry’s lack of preparedness in face of an attack, and review the sector’s adoption of biofuels.

Eva Grey, editor