Next issue

December 2022

This summer, Japanese freight companies launched two of the world’s first fully autonomous container ships. The development is spearheaded by a consortium including the Japanese nonprofit Nippon Foundation and freight industry partners such as Mitsui Lines and Japan Railway Construction.

In our next issue, we profile Mikage, the autonomous container ship owned by Mitsui Lines, as well as the self-driving ship Suzaku, finding out how the technology behind the vessels works and asking what the ramifications of autonomous vessels will have on the maritime workforce.

In the meantime, you can stay up to date with everything at @ShipTechMag.

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Editor | Peter Nilson
Writers | Jasleen Mann, Frances Marcellin, Abi Millar, Richard Thomas

Magazine Designer | Anett Arc
Graphic Designers | Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Martina Labaiova, William Ingham
Lead Designer | John Hammond

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager |Tom McCormick
+44 (0) 207 866 9440

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Read the past issues of Ship Technology Globalhere

Cover image credit: Monty Rakusen